Community Membership
The use of the ITC logo on your community’s website
Direct connections to businesses who can assist with community projects website and marketing materials
Your community and logo will be listed as a member on ITC’s website
An ITC Letter of Membership
Direct connections to businesses looking to hire Indigenous people
Training and employment opportunities for your community members
Quarterly news and updates via ITC newsletters
Corporate Membership
The use of the ITC logo on your community’s website and marketing materials
Your business name and logo will be listed as a member on ITC’s website
An ITC Letter of Membership which you can include with your proposals to clients
Résumés and connections to potential Indigenous employees
Direct access to an underserved labour market
The option to facilitate courses with ITC, based on demand
Quarterly news and updates via ITC newsletters
A clear demonstration of your commitment to Indigenous people and the TRC Calls to Action #7 and #92
Become a member
If you are interested in becoming an ITC member, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you